I hope you are all well and recovered from those WSOP events and I’m sure of some March Madness gluttony. Tomorrow night is Chip & Chair night. Below are the chip counts and payouts: Chip Counts Place Name C&C Chip…
There is no telling who will finish in the top 3 now
What an interesting shift of point totals. There are very few points separating 5 people from finishing in the money for regular season totals. Bring your pocket A game next Tuesday for some payouts. I will bring my laptop and…
2 weeks remaining for points
We have a real battle for payouts brewing. We had a beautiful example of crotch kicking on display for the final hand of the night. Pat B = Player 1 and Dave B = Player 2 The Flop The Turn…
Tasty chili but the clubs had all the SPICE
We’ve seen a shift in the leaderboard…that’s what I get for last week’s post and pulling the Ace (1-seat) 2 weeks in a row. There was a brief moment of possibility for Josh H to improve his stack health…VERY brief.…
WSOP Circuit Events – Turning Stone Casino
For those of you considering a Turning Stone WSOP circuit event run, here is the link to the event list and the image too: https://www.turningstone.com/gaming/world-series-of-poker https://www.turningstone.com/uploads/document/poker/WSOP/WSOPCircuitEvent.jpg